الأحد، سبتمبر 13، 2009

اسرار وخبايا طريقة جان السحريه ... ارجو من المترجمين الدخول ... ورشة عمل هامه جدااااا

إخوانى الكرام اشعر اننا فى هذه الأيام يجب ان نتكاتف وان نبحث بكل طاقتنا وكل قوتنا
عن وسيله تعوض لنا خسائرنا .... يجب ان نتعاون صدقونى ولا نتهم بعض بالجهل او الغباء
يجب ان نتعاون ولو مره واحده نحن العرب ونقف نتدارس ونتعلم ونعلم بعضنا البعض
وكل من لديه معلومه يقولها

انا عن نفسى أبدأ بنفسى

فقد قرأت كثيراً عن طريقة جان السحريه ولكن المكتوب عنها بالعربى قلييييييييل جدااااااا

وانا متعلم انجليزى بس مش لدرجة ترجمة النصوووووص الضخمه

المهم سأخبركم ما اعرفه

هذا الرجل WD GANN

كان متاجر فى السوق وكان يكسب فى كل الإتجاهات
يكسب دائماً وفى اشد حالات السوق خساره وتذبذب
لدرجة انه حقق 50 مليون دولار مكسب من البورصه

هذا الرجل كان يعتمد على طريقه حسابيه خاصه جدا به لا يعرفها احد غيره
لم يخبر سرها لأى احد على الاطلاق
لم يخبر حتى زوجته واولاده عن هذا السر ولا احد يعرفه حتى الان
بصراحه هذا الرجل تحيطه الاساطير وهالات الغموض
لقد تمت عبر انحاء العالم العديد من الدراسات والابحاث لمعرفة كيفية طريقته السحريه
ولكن لا احد يعرف تماماً ماهى الطريقه الاصليه الذى كان يتبعها فعلا
كل ما هنالك هو تكهنات تقريبيه للطريقه ومحاولة استنتاجها

كل ما قيل انه كان يستخدم الوقت + السعر للدخول للسوق time & price للتجاره
كان يصنع مربعات اشبه بمربعات الاشكال السحريه والطلاسم العجيبه
عندما رأيتها ذكرتنى بالعرافين و السحره

على العموم لن اطيل الشرح دعنا مع ما يكتب فى المواقع الاجنبيه
وسوف احمل على اكتافى مهمة البحث فى كل ماقيل عن هذا الموضوع فى كل المنتديات والمواقع
وسوف اتحمل عنء البحث عن ما تمت كتابته فى هذا الموضوع
وانشره لكم هنا ولكن ارجو من الاخوه المترجمين بذل الوقت لترجمة هذه النصوص

على فكره هناك برامج تحسب ارقامم جان منها برنامج عجيب كان نشره احد الاخوه فى هذا الرابط
ولكن ضاع رابط التحميل فنرجو ممن لديه البرنامج ان يضعه لنا .............
اترككم مع النصوص الاجنبيه التى سوف اضيفها بالتدريج حتى يكتمل الفهم واركز على الترجمههههه

"When you know how to use time with price then you know how to trade"
WD Gann

In his novel "Tunnel thru the Air", Gann stated.....

"Everything moves in cycles as a result of the natural law of action and reaction. By a study of the past, I have discovered what cycles repeat in the future"; "It is not my aim to explain the cause of cycles, the general public is not ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explained it....everything works according to past cycles, and that history repeats itself in the lives of men, nations and the stock market" WD Gann

WD Gann's discovery of the cycles that regularly appear in market movements enabled him to make some astonishing predictions and market forecasts. He provided information on some of these cycles in his stock and commodity courses. For example he detailed how to apply the one year cycle but he also stated that this was a minor cycle. Those that have used this cycle in their trading will know its predictive value and also its limitations. The information he gave on other more important cycles was of a more general nature. For example, he stated to watch for turns at 42 to 43 months. He did not detail how to determine the exact day of these reversals. There are a number of cycles that culminate in the 41st to 43rd month that can be calculated to the exact day by using the most important cycles. By using these same cycles applied to "price" exact price levels can also be known in advance at where a market is likely to reverse. The type of reversal will be dependant on other factors prevailing at the time.
What Gann did not make available in his courses was the information that is of most use. This information is not "secret" as it is revealed in other of his various works but in such a vague manner that it eludes all but the most thorough of examinations. He did state that to gain the knowledge one must prove themselves worthy. This meant that he expected a person to study and research his material and the other relevant sources in great depth before discovering the information and finding out how to apply it.
There is much material available on WD Gann's methods. Most of it is fascinating and valid but the commonly known time and price alignments using the cycle of 360, range divisions and squaring of time with price are only of minor value when compared to what was Gann's most useful method of determining market reversal points. The commercial promotion of this material has often been packaged as "mysterious" and "secret" and consequently has served to enhance or discredit his reputation depending on the success or otherwise of the user.
Gann recommended a mechanical method using price action and reaction to trade with the markets trend. This method alone can often be an effective way to trade a markets repeating ranges but traders experienced using this method can be left wanting for a more precise way to make their entries and exits. Using the key time cycles to determine a date of a trend change and the same cycles to determine the price levels at where the trend change can occur enables swing turns to be forecasted in advance. The concept of a cycle being used to determine a price level is taken from Gann's statement that "time and price can be treated in the same way". It is important to note that a cycle when used to determine price levels is not the same as the more common method of determining price support and resistance levels by division of a price range but is a more accurate and powerful technique. When a market completes a cycle in PRICE, on a TIME cycle date, than that is the strongest time for a trend reversal to occur. This is a far more advanced method of trading to the more commonly known Gann methods and other forms of analysis using indicators that tell you what has already occurred.
In the following chart of the S&P 500 one of the key cycles documented by WD Gann in the early part of last century gave the exact date of the May 2006 high in this market a number of years in advance! The price level of 1330.95 was also calculated using another of the key cycles calculated at a Fibbonacci ratio of this cycle. These cycles are detailed in "Gann Cycles" with explanation on how they govern market reversals in TIME and PRICE. Application of these cycles enables knowledge of dates and price levels to monitor where significant reversals will occur in any market.
All markets react to these key cycles as they are naturally occurring rather than specific to markets. To unveil these same cycles in markets of different values an understanding is needed of some of the more esoteric and biblical analysis methods Gann discovered during his time which are also detailed in "Gann Cycles".
"Gann Cycles" is an advanced time and price analysis trading manual written by Charles Shephard - formerly of the UK and now residing in both New Zealand and Hawaii. A professional currency, commodity and stock index trader since 1983 and adviser to private clients. Charles has documented the information that Gann did not make known on why market reversals occur when and where they do by using the key cycles that govern all market movements in Time and Price. "Gann Cycles" contains the information that enabled WD Gann to earn his reputation as a "master trader" and forecaster. Detailed explanation is given on each of the key cycles, where Gann revealed them and how to calculate these cycles to determine TIME and PRICE levels of market reversals. How to initiate trade entries and exits are explained when using cycles. It is the most detailed and informative publication on cycles available and can only be obtained directly from the author.
"Gann Cycles" is regularly updated to show examples of the key cycles at work at major reversals in global markets. The S&P 500, DJIA, Euro, $US, Commodities and the Australian SPI 200 - actively traded by Charles Shephard, are among the numerous examples included.
To obtain a free introduction to "Gann Cycles" with pricing and order details, Charles Shephard can be contacted at info@ganncycles.
Replies are not automated so may not be immediate due to international time zone differences.

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تحياتى وعايزين الترجمه

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