الجمعة، سبتمبر 25، 2009

What Is Futures Day Trading?

A quick definition futures day trading is actually pretty simple.
Futures day trading is the type of futures trading which opens and
closes a futures transaction within a single trading day.
Traders have become attracted to futures day trading for a variety of
reasons. Some like the action level of an increased frequency of
trades while others like the fact that futures day trading carries
with it no overnight risk. In this way, no particular catastrophic
political or business event, which may happen after the close of the
futures contract will affect those who have already closed their
contracts out during the day. The objective for traders here is to not
allow any potentially adverse market movements to affect their equity.
Futures day trading falls into the category of short-term trading. As
a general rule of thumb in trading, the shorter the period of the
trading timeframe for smaller. The amount of profit per trade. Please
keep in mind of course that this is a general rule of thumb, and does
not apply to each and every case.
The frequency of futures day trading can go from relatively
infrequently such as one trade per month or per every couple of months
to many, many trades per day. It is the typical increased frequency of
futures day trading, which daytraders must remain mindful of. The
greater the frequency of trades, the greater the transaction costs
become as well. The objective of course, of any futures daytrader is
to turn a profit after all transaction costs have been factored in. I
can't even begin to tell you how many futures day trading results I've
looked at that looked absolutely fabulous at the outset. Unfortunately
many failed miserably and lost money consistently once the transaction
costs were figured in.
Futures day trading can be both rewarding and profitable. The key here
is to have both a good futures day trading system and an excellent
level of discipline to take action as needed.

The Big 3 Of Profitable Trading And Simply No Way To Fail: http://eminits.key.to/

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