الأربعاء، سبتمبر 16، 2009


The foreign exchange market, also knows as FOREX, originated in 1973
has become the largest e-currency trade market in the world today.
FOREX trading occurs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The FOREX market
offers a unique trading opportunity to those seeking a substantial
profit in a market that trades over 1.2 trillion dollars each day.
FOREX market is primarily traded between central banks, commercial
banks, non-banking International Corporation, hedge funds, private
investors and speculators. Previously small investors were unable to
trade in the FOREX market due to the large deposit required. However
until recent years, with the continuing growth of the internet and
competition, FOREX trading has made it so small investors can now open
a FOREX trading account with as little as $250.
There are a few factors as to why FOREX investing is starting to
attract more small investors. For one, FOREX can be traded 24 hours a
day 5 days a week. Previously trades were placed by phone, the
internet has made it possible for traders to monitor their FOREX
trading accounts from home and execute trades in real time with the
click of a mouse button.
In order to start trading in the FOREX market, one must first open an
account with a broker. It is recommended to obtain a list of brokers
and do some research before deciding on which broker to deal with.
Each broker offers different policies and different spreads on each
currency that is traded.
Before trading in FOREX, one must first understand the risk and reward
behind margin trading in FOREX. A margined account can be leveraged,
which means trading in FOREX can be done with solely cash or a
combination of cash and collateral such as a security deposit. The
main risk involved in margin trading is that margin trading tends to
inflate loss. In addition the rate of loss and leverage makes FOREX a
high risk investment. However, regardless of the downside in margin
trading, FOREX is still very profitable as huge gains can be made.
There are plenty of resources on the internet that will discuss
trading strategies, emotions and what it takes to become a successful
trader. Most of these web sites are going to tell you that emotions
play the largest roll in your success as a trader. Any experienced
trader will tell you that trading is a psychological game and usually
the people who go against the crowd are the ones that end up making
the money. When you decide to get started in the FOREX market be sure
to look at multiple resources and decide on which broker will be the
best for you.
Copyright 2005 Timothy Rohrer

Doubles Real Monetary Deposits In Under 30 Days: http://ivyfxbot.url-site.com/

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