الاثنين، سبتمبر 14، 2009

Forex Trading Secrets Exposed - 3 Lessons Learnt From Professional Forex Trade

Almost 90% of the part time traders that I know of want to become full
time forex traders in the near future. And they hope to be
professional traders one day. That is the dream for most forex
traders. What about you?
In order to survive in the forex trading world and make lots of money
from the forex market consistently, being a normal forex trader is not
good enough - you'll need to become a professional forex trader. So
just what are the secrets that professional forex traders have that
enables them to make lots of money trading forex? I once had a
conversation with a friend of mine, who is a professional trader. And
he shared with me the 3 secrets that make professional traders like
him so rich:
Secret #1 - Professional Traders are NOT Geniuses- They Simply Follow
a SIMPLE Forex Trading System.
You see it correctly, they are not any smarter than you nor do they
possess of any god-like foresight in forex trading. I dare to say this
because I know of some professional forex traders who seem to know
nothing in this world and clumsy in doing other stuffs but can be a
professional forex trader. Why is that so?
It's simply because they have a successful forex trading system which
gives good forex trading signals to help them trade consistently. And
what they have to do is to repeat the consistency just by following
the trading system. That's all! And let me leak a little more secret,
professional traders use simple forex trading systems instead of what
most people thought to be complicated.
Secret #2 - Learn and Work Smart, NOT HARD.
Do you think that you should learn how to trade forex the hard way and
gain all the knowledge before you can be successful? Do you think you
can master the forex market if you combine all the strategies taught
by every forex trading expert? If your answer is yes, you are WRONG!
In other businesses, you may get rewarded for all the efforts and time
you have put into.
But in forex trading, it's the right forex trading tutorials and
education that counts and you are rewarded for being accurate and not
for efforts. You will be surprised that successful traders only follow
a winning trading system blindly to build up their trading capital.
Secret #3 - They possess Determination, Discipline, Money Management
and Mindset for Success
My professional forex trader friend told me that he would swipe
everything aside just to concentrate on his forex trading. It's his
determination to succeed made him overcome small losses and steep
learning curves that he had experienced in the beginning. He
emphasized on a huge mistake that a lot of people make is that they
are too eager to trade, too eager to make money fast from the forex
You need to have discipline to follow the rules of your forex trading
system. Huge capital gains in forex are piled up over years of
consistency and not days, there is no shortcut to riches. He manages
his money so well that even 2 or 3 losses in a row can't affect his
profitability much. 1% or even 0.5% of his capital margin per trade is
what he is only willing to risk.
Not everyone can be a professional trader in a short period of time as
you need huge capital, but anyone can become successful in forex
trading if you learn how to trade forex the professional way. I'm
happy to be your forex trading guide and what you have to do is to
download my FREE ebook with contains forex tips, forex trading systems
etc that professional forex traders use in their trading.

Fap Turbo Expert Guide: http://robfxcasey.key.to/

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