الثلاثاء، سبتمبر 29، 2009

[forex-or-stocks] IvyBot, Best Professional Forex Trading Robot

We have spent many weary nights questioning whether we should release
our incredible Forex trading robot to the public.
But at the end of the day, we figured that we had already made so much
money, that we really didn't have anything to lose. We have been
fortunate enough to be blessed with great intelligence and now we
would love to share it with you.
For years now we have been using our successful Forex robot to place
trades, day in and day out. We have mastered a system that scalps the
Forex market whenever there is any price movement, and its 100%
programmed and ready to begin trading for you.
The IvyBot is revolutionizing the automatic Forex robot market
The Forex market, also known as the Foreign Exchange Market, is the
place where those different currencies change in price, where one day
you can get 1.245 euro for every dollar, and the next day that
The IvyBot was created to be able to predict those price changes on a
daily basis. The advantages of trading Forex are obvious:
Low Startup – Start with as little as $50!
Huge Market - $3 TRILLION traded around the world every day (The Forex
market is actually bigger than ALL the world's stock, bond, and
futures markets combined! They don't mention that on the 5 o'clock
24/6 – Non stop action, 24 hours a day 6 days per week (Sunday -
Low Cost – While with stock trading, futures and options you pay
spread plus commission, with Forex your only "cost of trade" is spread
(that can add up to ALOT!)
Up & Down – Profit from rising and falling prices...it does not matter
what way the market goes. Up, Down, Sideways, there are always
opportunities to profit.
No Size Limit – as BIG or as SMALL as you want!


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