الجمعة، سبتمبر 11، 2009

[forex-or-stocks] How Forex Brokers Do What They Do

With forex brokers sitting up in their multi-million dollar offices we
often times think to ourselves how do they do what they do? It seems
that whatever skills that they possess must be much greater than our
own because of all the rewards they have reaped. Very few of us in
fact can look at what they have obtained and say to ourselves, you
know what? I could do that. But in reality you really could. You don't
have to be great at numbers or some financial genius. Forex brokers
have put a lot of dedication into what they do but it's certainly
nothing we ourselves couldn't obtain through a little hard work and
discipline. The only thing keeping us from getting what forex brokers
already have is ourselves. There is nothing magical or mysterious
about what forex brokers do for a living. In fact it's very
straightforward. If you follow in the footsteps of the forex brokers
before you and learn exactly how forex brokers do what they do, you
too could become wealthy like them.
The first step that all forex brokers take is becoming licensed or
signing on to a licensed business. To be a full service broker you'll
need to have the appropriate securities license and fill out a
registration form with the SEC. If you wish to simply be a business
broker and not a full service one you may work alongside one at a
brokerage house. To get this license you may either go to school or
try to learn it yourself. It's important to know that licensing is
different depending on which state you live in and it's not always
acknowledged if you move from state to state. The biggest hurdle all
forex brokers have faced was becoming registered. Once you're
registered you're ready to start trading.
As a broker it's you're job to make investments on people's behalves.
Forex brokers can either charge an hourly rate to make their money off
commission. The second choice is much more risky because if your
client does poorly so do you, but if they score big, as their broker,
you get a larger paycheck than if you would have accepted an hourly
rate. This is completely dependent on the broker and varies from
person to person. Along with calling in the trades for your customers,
it is also your job to inform them if they request it. Most forex
brokers stay on top of the market every waking moment since the forex
market never closes unlike the stock market. A large part of being a
successful forex broker is being aware of what's happening in the
world. Since the commodity you're trading is currency anything that
affects a nation will affect their currency and thus change the
market. Most forex brokers research heavily on all political and
economic news from the countries for which they hold currency.
So there it is. It doesn't seem so glorious and mysterious now. Forex
brokers are much like any other broker out there. They call in trades
and act as the middleman for the individual and the market itself. The
forex market is huge and therefore there are a lot of forex brokers
out there and a lot of money flying around. Getting licensed and
educated about how the market works is all there really is to forex
trading. While it is easier said than done since it's such a focused
market it's much easier to learn than trading open-ended stocks. Get
out there and grab a piece of the pie for yourself.

How To Become A Successful Forex Trader: http://fxatrnde.key.to/

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