السبت، سبتمبر 26، 2009

[forex-or-stocks] The Deadly Mistakes Of Beginner Forex Traders - Why 95% Of Beginner Forex Trad

The Forex trading platform is not a game, it's a business. If you are
not willing to take it seriously then don't even step onto the
platform. This article will explain the deadly mistakes of beginner
Forex currency day traders and why over 95 percent of them lose money.
Keep reading to get access to a $100,000.00 simulated trading account.
Deadly Mistake Number 1: Beginner Forex traders do Forex day trading.
Deady Mistake Number 2: Beginners listen to people who aren't success
Forex traders.
Deadly Mistake Number 3: Beginners rely on their broker to guide them.
Deadly Mistake Number 4: Beginners get too emotionally involved when
emotions should play no part in Forex trading.
Deadly Mistake Number 5: Beginners believe simply because they are
successful "dummy" trading with a demo account that they will be
successful once they go "live.
Deadly Mistake Number 6: Beginner traders are impatient and trade too
Deadly Mistake Number 7: Beginners try and combine fundamentals with
technical inputs.
Deadly Mistake Number 8: Beginners don't stick to one Forex trading
Deadly Mistake Number 9: Beginners don't use a stop loss.
Deadly Mistake Number 10 : Beginners don't take the time to create and
perfect a Forex trading system that works well for them and stick to
Deadly Mistake Number 11: Beginners believe that if they lose a trade
that they will not make a profit at all.
Deadly Mistake Number 12: Beginners over leverage their trades and
lose their money.
Deadly Mistake Number 13: Beginners have stops too close.
Unfortunately they create risk while trying to prevent it.
Deadly Mistake Number 14: Beginners look for complicated trading
systems when there are much easier Forex trading systems to follow.
Keep reading to learn more about simple Forex trading systems.
Deadly Mistake Number 15: Beginners believe that they will actually
get rich overnight and give up when that hasn't happened.
Deadly Mistake Number 16: Beginners are too impatient and do not
become as educated on the subject of Forex trading as they should be
when they get started.
As you can see, Forex trading is a serious business.
If you are not properly educated as a Forex trader then you stand to
lose a lot of money. I suggest you visit the website below to start
your Forex trading education today!

Successful Traders Develop Their Own System: http://www.draforex.hk.to/

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