السبت، سبتمبر 19، 2009

Forex Brokers - How to Choose the Right One

Forex trading is one of the most lucrative segments in the business
industry. It is not a wonder why people swarm to do commerce in forex
market. One of the essential steps to take by potential traders is
choosing their forex brokers. Broker can act on your behalf to carry
out trading transactions however in certain cases there will
limitations according to what has been agreed during your application.
It is important to choose the right forex brokers as they carry the
potential risk of your investment while it incurs cost to your trading
expense. There are few helpful criteria to consider in choosing your
forex brokers.
In the past, some traders were victims of non-refunded accounts when
many forex brokers went unsuccessful with their business operation.
Hence, they started to implement strict laws in US and UK that governs
the forex brokers. It is important to note that your preferred forex
brokers should be regulated either by the CFTC or NFA in the US and
FSA in the UK. These will ensure that you are dealing with legitimate
Know the trading platforms of the forex brokers. A recommended trading
platform should show actual prices that you are able to trade. Avoid
platforms that offer only indicative prices. As this will also
contribute to your trade execution, it is therefore necessary to opt
for platforms that you are comfortable to use with. Always prefer a
platform that matches your particular needs.
There is a term commonly used in the forex arena known as spread. It
refers to the difference between the amount you buy or sell a certain
currencies at a specific point of time. As there is not central
exchange market in forex, the spread will proportionally vary
depending on your preferred forex brokers. Spread can be stretched
into two amounts which is dependent if either it is daytime or
nighttime. Spread can also vary accordingly to the level of trade.
Ideal forex brokers should have a fixed spread.
It is also important to test the execution ability of the forex
brokers. Know the speed of the broker's order execution and there is
an automatic execution offer. Know also the loyalty of the brokers.
Are they dealing with clients or do they trade also against their
clients? The ideal scheme to know all answers is to set up a dummy
Ask about the leverage options of your forex brokers. Leverage, which
is presented in ratio, will tell you the proportion between the total
capital available for trading versus your actual capital. Remember
that leverage plays a vital role in the forex trading as the price
deviations are set in fractions of a cent. Aim for a forex brokers
with flexibility in their leverage margin so as to allow you to opt
the leverage that is suitable for you.
Choosing the right forex brokers is very crucial. They play an
important role in determining the success of your forex venture or
potential loss all your investments. So don't be a in rush and
consider all the possible criteria when choosing your forex brokers.

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