الخميس، نوفمبر 19، 2009

Firebird MT4 Expert Advisor

Works best on the USDJPY only!!! on a M30 timeframe.
500 PIPS average a week on this one from other sites......forward tested....
Firebird calculates a 10 day SMA and then shifts it up and down based on a percentage to form a channel.
For the calculation of this SMA either close (more trades) or H+L (safer trades) is used.
When the price breaks a band a postion in the opposite of the current trend is taken. If the position goes against us we simply open an extra position to average (pipstep function).
To avoid enter a trade while a strong trend is in place a divergence function is used that is calculated as difference between a Faster SMA (by default set to 23) and a Slower SMA (by default set to 84).
Download All Versions of Firebird
Firebird v63H02
Firebird v63G Magic
Firebird v3.2
Firebird v065tf
Firebird v3.2 (5 digits)

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