الاثنين، سبتمبر 28، 2009

Red Personalities and the Home Based Business

There are lots of books and research papers about typing personalities
by colour, and this has been incorporated by some larger corporations
into their interviewing process. Wouldn't it be great if you could
quickly identify the personality of the person you are speaking to
about your opportunity, and tailor your presentation in the best way
possible so that you only need to discuss what your prospect wants to
hear to understand how the business could work for them?   The
key is to Listen to your prospect, and you will quicky be able to
identify which of the four main colour categories they fall into. Here
are a few tips for the colour Red:   Red personalities generally
live up to their name; independent, dominant, feisty, outspoken, goal-
orientated, risk-taker, efficient, persistent. A self-starter who
enjoys a challenge and loves solving problems! They are likely to be
pilots, politicians, CEO's or managing directors of firms, lawyers,
military leaders etc etc.   When you're speaking to a red you'll
soon know it. They're great at conversation, but not great listeners.
They prefer to cut through the waffle and get straight to the point
which can be a little disconcerting if you're not as quick off the
mark yourself! In fact, they can sometimes come across a little brash
or egocentric, but are generally admired for their forthrightness and
If you want to work with this person, you will need to outline the
results that can be achieved in your business and you'll need to be
specific, such as "reach this goal and you'll be entitled to a free
car", "reach that goal and you'll receive a bonus of '1,000" etc.
  Red personalities aren't easily coachable, and are quickly
bored by both inactivity and the mechanics of a business. They prefer
to set off running, and to be independent. They may be impulsive and
demanding, but they also get results.   Introduce a red
personality type into your business and you'll have someone who can
sometimes be insensitive to the feelings of others in their drive to
the top, but their activity and enthusiasm for the task will motivate
some of the slower movers. Exhausting as they can sometimes be, red
personalities are a definite asset to any team.

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